Verify with Ease. Trust with Confidence.

Secure your business and build trust with customers through streamlined KYC verification.

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A True Impact
of Fully-Verified KYC platform


Pass Rate

We ensure a higher customer onboarding rate by 26% with minimum false positives. Our solution helps companies identify potential fraud while still allowing legitimate customers to be onboarded quickly and easily.


Cost Reduction

Fully-Verified reduces the cost of each verification by an impressive 46%, helping businesses save money while maintaining the highest standards of identity verification.


Onboarding speed improvement

Whether you're a business seeking to streamline customer registration or an individual eager to join a platform hassle-free, our solution ensures a seamless and efficient experience.

Experience excellence with 4.9 / 5 Customer Satisfaction Score.

Our commitment to quality and compliance allows our clients to run their businesses confidently. With a 4.9/5 customer satisfaction score, verifications double-check process, 30-second response time, and significant pass rate improvements, Fully-Verified is the trusted partner for businesses seeking exceptional KYC verification services while maintaining the lowest cost possible.

Experience excellence with 4.9 / 5 Customer Satisfaction Score.​

Our commitment to quality and compliance allows our clients to run their businesses confidently. With a 4.9/5 customer satisfaction score, verifications double-check process, 30-second response time, and significant pass rate improvements, Fully-Verified is the trusted partner for businesses seeking exceptional KYC verification services while maintaining the lowest cost possible.

Experience top-level KYC verification services with startup-friendly pricing

With our cost-effective KYC verification services, you can ensure your business is protected from fraudulent activities.Maximize your savings while getting the best in KYC verification services.

Safeguard your business with AI-powered fraud prevention technology

Fully-Verifieds solution ensures that all KYC processes are fully compliant with the latest regulations in your country, while preventing the most advanced fraud attempts.

Streamline user onboarding with AI-powered real-time feedback

Fully-Verified's provides real-time feedback during user onboarding, enabling you to simplify the process and verify users in less than 10 seconds.

Focused on your
business growth

Focused on your
customers satisfaction



Automatically verify users from all over the world in matter of seconds: Verify identities, conduct risk assessments, and perform due diligence checks in just 10 seconds, while reducing operational expenses by up to 46%.


The Ultimate KYC Solution with Full Live Video Recording: Eliminate risk of cybercrimes, financial crimes and money laundering with a Fully-Verified identity verification tools. ​


A banking-grade verification with same legal enforceability as in person KYC: Live-Verify ensures regulatory compliance, robust banking-grade security, and seamless onboarding with protection against cyber threats and fraud.​


Age Verification

Prevent underage access to restricted resources and protect your company from non-compliance fines.

KYC Compliance​

Collect data customers. Check authenticity of the documents. Asses risk and avoid financial & reputation loses.

Proof Of Address​

Confirm that the provided address for the verification process is associated with a particular location for the user. ​

Fraud prevention​

Determine whether your potential customer is being truthful regarding their identity to eliminate the risk of cybercrime.

ID verification​

Know if your prospective customer is telling the truth about who they say they are, before granting access to your service. ​

Identity verification

Eliminated risk of cybercrimes, financial crimes and money laundering with a Fully-Verified identity verification tools. ​

No-code integration within a few hours.


Our solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, ensuring that you can start using them right away without the need for complicated or time-consuming setup processes. Our user-friendly integration process makes it easy for you to get up and running in no-time.

Availible on all platforms

Book a free demo now!

Test the solution
with 50 free verifications

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Fully-Verified was created as answer to its founders collectively losing over $150 000 to various types of fraud in their eCommerce businesses.